




  • 剧情简介:踩过界由其它导演里娜·韦特缪勒倾情打造,A rich woman, Raffaella, and some friends rent a yacht to sail the Mediterranean Sea during summer. The sailor, Gennarino, who is a communist, does not like this woman but has to bear with her bad mood. One day she wakes up late in the afternoon and asks to be taken to land where everyone had gone earlier. Gennarino sets up a boat but during the trip, the boat breaks down. They spend the night in the middle of the sea. 在1974年全网首播。
  • 主演:吉安卡罗·吉安尼尼,玛丽安杰拉·梅拉托,Riccardo,Salvino  导演:里娜·韦特缪勒  所属地区:其它  语言:  上映时间:1974  
  • 所属分类:喜剧电影  更新时间:2024-04-21 11:56:47 


《踩过界》简介: 喜剧电影踩过界是由其它导演里娜·韦特缪勒倾情打造,里面的主要出演者有吉安卡罗·吉安尼尼,玛丽安杰拉·梅拉托,Riccardo,Salvino,在1974年全网首播。 A rich woman, Raffaella, and some friends rent a yacht to sail the Mediterranean Sea during summer. The sailor, Gennarino, who is a communist, does not like this woman but has to bear with her bad mood. One day she wakes up late in the afternoon and asks to be taken to land where everyone had gone earlier. Gennarino sets up a boat but during the trip, the boat breaks down. They spend the night in the middle of the sea. 手机影院网为您提供喜剧电影踩过界,想看更多同类型的影片,请在搜索框打入关键字搜索,各类型的影片应有尽有,别忘了告诉您朋友哦!


