




  • 剧情简介:噩梦城市由其它导演翁贝托·伦齐倾情打造,I am awestruck by this movie. Fast zombies that can use weapons, even guns, and are capable of intelligent thought. They plot a strategic offensive to take over the city, hitting the airport, then the TV stations and the power plant. If you love horror, gory, and violent movies and don't mind a little bad acting, then you will LOVE this movie. It is exciting and even a bit suspenseful. It starts out fast and hard and maintains a steady pace of mayhem and carnage.  I can't believe more people haven't seen this film. I have yet to meet a horror movie buff that has seen this film before. It is a true gemstone of European horror and exploitation, definitely up to par with the classics of the genre such as Zombi 2, Demons, House by the Cemetery, etc. And it's even readily available uncut (92 minutes) on DVD from Anchor Bay (under the title Nightmare City) and on VHS under the title City of the Walking Dead. Super gory and violent, a must for fans of Italian grind house flicks. 在1980年全网首播。
  • 主演:雨果·史蒂格利茨,劳拉·特罗德尔  导演:翁贝托·伦齐  所属地区:其它  语言:  上映时间:1980  
  • 所属分类:恐怖片  更新时间:2024-04-21 11:57:44 


《噩梦城市》简介: 恐怖片噩梦城市是由其它导演翁贝托·伦齐倾情打造,里面的主要出演者有雨果·史蒂格利茨,劳拉·特罗德尔,在1980年全网首播。 I am awestruck by this movie. Fast zombies that can use weapons, even guns, and are capable of intelligent thought. They plot a strategic offensive to take over the city, hitting the airport, then the TV stations and the power plant. If you love horror, gory, and violent movies and don't mind a little bad acting, then you will LOVE this movie. It is exciting and even a bit suspenseful. It starts out fast and hard and maintains a steady pace of mayhem and carnage.  I can't believe more people haven't seen this film. I have yet to meet a horror movie buff that has seen this film before. It is a true gemstone of European horror and exploitation, definitely up to par with the classics of the genre such as Zombi 2, Demons, House by the Cemetery, etc. And it's even readily available uncut (92 minutes) on DVD from Anchor Bay (under the title Nightmare City) and on VHS under the title City of the Walking Dead. Super gory and violent, a must for fans of Italian grind house flicks. 手机影院网为您提供恐怖片噩梦城市,想看更多同类型的影片,请在搜索框打入关键字搜索,各类型的影片应有尽有,别忘了告诉您朋友哦!


