




  • 剧情简介:狐狸的故事由法国导演Irene,Starewicz,拉迪斯洛夫·斯塔维奇倾情打造,In the kingdom of animals, Master Fox is used to trick and fool everyone. So the King, the Lion, receives more and more complaints about him. He orders that Master Fox is arrested and brough to him... One of the first animation film with puppets. The story is taken from a from a French medieval fable. 在1937年全网首播。
  • 主演:克洛德·多芬,Romain,Bouquet,西尔万·伊特金恩,莱昂·拉里夫,Robert,Seller,Eddy,Debray,Nicolas,Amato,Pons,西尔维娅·巴塔耶,Suzy,Dornac,Jaime,Plama  导演:Irene,Starewicz,拉迪斯洛夫·斯塔维奇  所属地区:法国  语言:  上映时间:1937  
  • 所属分类:新番动漫  更新时间:2024-04-21 14:19:24 


《狐狸的故事》简介: 新番动漫狐狸的故事是由法国导演Irene,Starewicz,拉迪斯洛夫·斯塔维奇倾情打造,里面的主要出演者有克洛德·多芬,Romain,Bouquet,西尔万·伊特金恩,莱昂·拉里夫,Robert,Seller,Eddy,Debray,Nicolas,Amato,Pons,西尔维娅·巴塔耶,Suzy,Dornac,Jaime,Plama,在1937年全网首播。 In the kingdom of animals, Master Fox is used to trick and fool everyone. So the King, the Lion, receives more and more complaints about him. He orders that Master Fox is arrested and brough to him... One of the first animation film with puppets. The story is taken from a from a French medieval fable. 手机影院网为您提供新番动漫狐狸的故事,想看更多同类型的影片,请在搜索框打入关键字搜索,各类型的影片应有尽有,别忘了告诉您朋友哦!
