




  • 剧情简介:衣锦还乡由巴西,英国,法国导演卡洛斯·迭戈,倾情打造,Brazilian town of Santa An-du-Agreshte weles his "prodigal daughter" Tieta, after a very long absence. When Tieta was 17, her father and older sister threw her out of the house "for bad behavior." And she returns home - very beautiful and, most importantly, fabulously rich. Her appearance causes a stir in the small town lost in time and space. After all, Tieta has more money than all of its residents, and she bees the main benefactor of the town. But her older sister, burning with envy and dreaming to bring Titus "to light", suits against her a conspiracy ...

  • 主演:Sonia,Braga,Marília,Pêra,Chico,Anysio,  导演:卡洛斯·迭戈,  所属地区:巴西,英国,法国  语言:  上映时间:1996  
  • 所属分类:喜剧电影  更新时间:2024-03-14 15:11:16 


《衣锦还乡》简介: 喜剧电影衣锦还乡是由巴西,英国,法国导演卡洛斯·迭戈,倾情打造,里面的主要出演者有Sonia,Braga,Marília,Pêra,Chico,Anysio,,在1996年全网首播。 Brazilian town of Santa An-du-Agreshte weles his "prodigal daughter" Tieta, after a very long absence. When Tieta was 17, her father and older sister threw her out of the house "for bad behavior." And she returns home - very beautiful and, most importantly, fabulously rich. Her appearance causes a stir in the small town lost in time and space. After all, Tieta has more money than all of its residents, and she bees the main benefactor of the town. But her older sister, burning with envy and dreaming to bring Titus "to light", suits against her a conspiracy ...



